الأربعاء، 23 سبتمبر 2009

10Gbps: one cable to rule them all

Intel has just presented a new kind of optical cable technology called “Light Peak”. At 10Gbps it is fast enough to handle any kind of wired data transfer currently in operation: networking, displays, storage, etc. As a bonus, it can transport several protocols at the same time, so multi-function devices only need a single cable (there is no word on whether the cables also carry electricity, though). Lastly, cables can be up to 100m long. Engadget has pictures of the connector which looks suspiciously (and pleasantly) Firewire-like.

Update:Apple dictated Light Peak creation to Intel, could begin migration from other standards as early as 2010”. The headline sums up the article pretty well.

Update 2: A CNET article has more information on Light Peak. Apparently it did not originate at Apple.

Update 2011-02-25: Thunderbolt (code-named Light Peak): an overview

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