الأحد، 19 يوليو 2009

Emacs org-mode: notes, planning, authoring – in plain text

Emacs contains all kinds of craziness, but this is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time: org-mode is an Emacs mode that does outlining, planning and authoring, all in plain text. A few of the highlights:

  • Everything is text. This does have disadvantages, but the advantages are obvious: easily exchanged by email, put into version control, a format many applications understand, etc.

  • Outlining

  • Hyperlinks to emails, web pages, files, etc. inside content

  • Meta-data such as tags and dates attached to content

  • Tables: continuously aligns all the cells of a column and can move columns around.

  • Spreadsheets: you can perform calculations in tables

  • Publishing: content can be published as HTML and LaTeX

Find more information here:

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